Industry news

What's the benefit of home heat detector in kitchen?


Published by admin March 12,2024

Sometimes, smoke detectors bring too many false alarms.

especially when some frying was being done in the kitchen. When all the safety alarms would go off, even our next door neighbours would hear the alarms, and wondered wheather we were all right. In the meantime, we were opening outside doors to bring in fresh air so that getting the stupid things to shut off, and getting really annoyed. We never had this problem before. But the city code required install alarms on new construction, and we would not have originally passed the final inspection without the new smoke alarm system.

home heat detector

After about the 4rd or 5th false alarm in about as many weeks, my enthusiastic neighbor suggested we replace the smoke alarm in the kitchen with a home heat detector. At that time, I did not know that such home heat detectors existed. So I ordered home heat detector, and replaced the smoke detector in the kitchen at the top of the stairs. That cut down on the number of false alarms from kitchen cooking quickly.

This home heat detector solved the problem of false and extremely annoying alarms, due to cooking in the kitchen (especially when frying something). And our next door neighbors are happier too than us. The remaining smoke alarms are further away from the kitchen in other rooms, and all are unaffected.

some cities regulations have conflicting requirements. Don't put smoke detectors in kitchen areas, but do put them at the top and bottom of a stairwell.but it is too near our kitchen stove so that will cause false alarm. Unfortunately, we could not find the other kind of smoke detector to work in our system. Even so, the home heat detector made more sense as a practical replacement. come on, follow us, install home heat detector in kitchen !

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